Deep acting at work
Mid-afternoon on Wednesday I witnessed an act of tenderness just beyond the men’s polo shirts on the second floor of St Albans Marks & Spencer. It’s stayed with me because it’s uncommon practice and something we need more of in our workplaces.
IWD 2018: Chopping my hair and dying it red
Earlier this week I introduced myself to an audience at the Insuring Women’s Future Live conference by asking them to vote (using their green/red paddles) on whether they, like me, now felt a strong desire to cut their hair short and colour it red. A significant number did. A bit random?
Fear, empathy and IQ @ work
High in the trees on an azure blue day a lady I later discovered to be part of Mary Portas’ team, yelled “you can do it, you’re a strong woman, just keep looking forwards.” It was me she was calling to in response to my shouting down to husband: “I can’t do it, I can’t move. I’m petrified.”
So much time
It occurred to me last week that there’s so much time to do just about anything we want to do. Disagree? Curious? Come with me for 60 seconds…
Recruitment rejection feedback
It’s time for recruiters to offer feedback to every candidate who doesn’t get the job. London Business School research finds this is a key tool for driving up women’s applications for top jobs.
Has anyone ever told you how remarkable you are for the way you plough on despite everything that’s on your shoulders? Or perhaps you’ve wondered how a colleague carries on confidently undeterred by criticism when you crumble and ruminate for days in similar circumstances? I recently spent an evening delving into the world of resilience with Dr Carole Pemberton and in this post I’m offering five key insights to make you stronger and better able to withstand life’s batterings.
Making space for opportunities
In my Sixth Form days I had a wonderful mate who was a bug*er for leaving homework until the last minute. There were too many missed Monday night quizzes at the Brown Cow (with free chips!) because she’d not done the German translations due in next morning. Oh, the first world frustrations I experienced as a girl geek! Come with me for a four-minute deep dive into opportunities – making space for them, missing them and making the most of them.
Amplifying women’s voices
Why are women and girls less likely to speak in a public arena than men? And could a letter from a ‘role model’ change that? I spent a day mentoring a group of students ahead of a political debate in a Council chamber and felt cross with myself that I couldn’t coax more girls into making their voices heard. Later in the week, with the silence of those girls ringing in my ears, I was one of just three women (compared to nine men) who put a question to ex-MP Michael Portillo.

The horse's mouth
“It’s been remarkable – a huge impact on my personal and professional life.” Nicky’s getting better results from her team, she’s confidently approaching difficult conversations and is fulfilling a secret ambition to write a book. Read how Agnes, Dani, Andrea and Emmy say they’ve benefited from a short spell of coaching.

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The Talent Keeper Specialists helps employers keep, retain and develop returning talented and valued employees through workshops, 1:1 coaching and culture-shaping initiatives aimed at line managers. We provide both off-the-peg and customised solutions through our select team of experienced coaching and talent practitioners.