Returning from maternity
Returning to work after maternity leave or an extended career break? Heed the 5Cs:
Clarity, Credibility, Communication, Connections, Collaboration
We need to talk remuneration
Watch two fictional political women show us how to think big, start pay conversations and push each other on. 20 seconds. Well worth it.
The best that could happen
In this post I’m exploring the power of the question “What’s the best that could happen?” It crumbled Natalie’s resistance to do something uncomfortable that could get her not-for-profit enterprise off the ground. It’s a great story.
Fearful? What are you assuming?
When I was 17 I thought nothing of walking a mile home by myself after a post-pub curry late on a Friday night. 19 years later, I felt afraid running solo along a country lane close to home on a bright, clear-skyed Sunday morning. Booze and youth, the critical difference?
Complete Overwhelm
Standing in a messy kitchen feeling slightly ticked off that I am making another meal, harboring the thought that if the world was a reasonable place weekend catering would be outsourced so I can get on and tackle ‘higher order’ things. And then I stop and ask myself what’s going on. I love cooking, I love inviting people to eat with us, I love listening to Radio 4 whilst I potter.
Working Mothers Holiday Enid Blyton Style
We’ve been a long time in Noddy Land in our house (no really, this is a literary reference not me berating myself for a series of school girl errors of late ha ha!) and have recently moved on to Enid Blyton’s The famous Five. We’ve started with Five on a Treasure Island which is the first of Blyton’s much loved middle class, isn’t-life-wonderful, childhood adventure stories of five little poppets doing wholesome things together on holiday.

The horse's mouth
“It’s been remarkable – a huge impact on my personal and professional life.” Nicky’s getting better results from her team, she’s confidently approaching difficult conversations and is fulfilling a secret ambition to write a book. Read how Agnes, Dani, Andrea and Emmy say they’ve benefited from a short spell of coaching.

Are you in HR?
The Talent Keeper Specialists helps employers keep, retain and develop returning talented and valued employees through workshops, 1:1 coaching and culture-shaping initiatives aimed at line managers. We provide both off-the-peg and customised solutions through our select team of experienced coaching and talent practitioners.