We Time
I contributed to a story in a women’s magazine last month about the rise of women divorcing their husbands and getting together with younger men; I’ve listened to a friend talk about the current – and I’m sure temporary – distance between her and her husband (as is often the case in marriage at one time or another) and several coachees have talked about the all-consuming nature of their young children and what little room that leaves for their partner. A huge part of the answer to these situations is ‘we time.’ Time to be together with our partners to the exclusion of all others.
Women at The Top
Hilary Devey is back in the media today (18/3/13) and so I re-publish this post that was first published on 7th September 2012.
My back is up after three minutes of Hilary Devey on the BBC’s two-parter “Women at the Top” (whaaaaaat?I’m screeching in a restrained, forehead wrinkling kind of way when she makes a throw away comment about women not wanting the top jobs enough or some such) so I press pause and take Hanif Kureishi’s Intimacy to bed with me.
Power of voluntary work on CV attractiveness
A CV that is polished, to the point and relevant to the job you are applying for is likely to get picked out by a busy recruiter and research by academics Christa Wilkin and Catherine Connelly suggests voluntary work is beneficial, so long as it’s relevant. This is likely to be very good news for women and men who’ve taken a career break to raise children and have spent time in unpaid roles in their wider communities. In their study, Wilkin and Connelly provided 135 professional recruiters with CVs that differed systematically in the types of experience they reported. Some contained purely paid work, others purely voluntary work and others a mixture.
Senior Civil Servant Job-Share
Once the preserve of women at the lower end of a company’s org’chart, job-sharing is now happening in the upper echelons of management. At least it is if you know where to look or more importantly if you know how to ask. I wonder if that appeals to you or your colleagues? If it does, read on and please forward this month’s working motherhood musing to those bright minds.
Working Mothers Holiday Enid Blyton Style
We’ve been a long time in Noddy Land in our house (no really, this is a literary reference not me berating myself for a series of school girl errors of late ha ha!) and have recently moved on to Enid Blyton’s The famous Five. We’ve started with Five on a Treasure Island which is the first of Blyton’s much loved middle class, isn’t-life-wonderful, childhood adventure stories of five little poppets doing wholesome things together on holiday.
Thinking & Doing Fathers
A couple of months ago a new client (not Samantha Cameron) passionately described how ridiculous it is that women are assumed, by their partners, to be The Oracle when it comes to children – particularly in the early days of parenthood when in reality you’re both learning together. In this month’s Mothers Work! mailing I’m offering some pointers on how to get your partners contributing (more) to family life, particularly on the thought front because that can be more wearisome than the graft of doing.
Part-Time Executives
From the research I’ve done for and since the writing of my book to support women back into work after children (Mothers Work! Published by Hay House June 6th 2011) I’m concluding that the single most significant thing anyone can do to narrow the pay gap between men and women, mothers and non-mothers is to increase the status of part time work.

The horse's mouth
“It’s been remarkable – a huge impact on my personal and professional life.” Nicky’s getting better results from her team, she’s confidently approaching difficult conversations and is fulfilling a secret ambition to write a book. Read how Agnes, Dani, Andrea and Emmy say they’ve benefited from a short spell of coaching.

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